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SAN DAN PROSCIUTTI San Daniele DOP Boneless Addobbo Ham 8,6 kg – EXP 4 months – aged 15 months
The San Daniele DOP Addobbo raw ham made by San Dan Prosciutti is produced in strict compliance with the rules indicated in the "San Daniele Ham" DOP Regulations. There is no additive or preservative, and only the use of legs of pigs born and reared in Italy and sea salt is allowed. The minimum guaranteed seasoning is at least 15 months. Here it is sold boned, with rind and leg, in the 8.6 kg format. It must be consumed within 4 months and stored in a cool, dry place. Once opened, the package must be kept in the refrigerator. A leg of pork can become San Daniele Ham only under three conditions: • The legs must come exclusively from pigs reared in ten regions of central-northern Italy (Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Lombardy, Piedmont, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Lazio, Abruzzo, Marche, Umbria); • The particular type of processing inherited from an ancient tradition must be respected; • The seasoning must come in San Daniele del Friuli. Order the San Daniele DOP Addobbo raw ham made by San Dan Prosciutti now: NATURALEITALIANO will undertake to deliver the product within 48 hours to all over the world.